I didn't think there could be much more snow up here than in Iowa but I was severely mistaken. This winter is already in the recordbooks for Madison as the snowiest on record. Before yesterday's snowfall, the season total was at 84 inches.. far surpassing the old record of 76 inches. We were supposed to get a foot yesterday after the freezing rain ended but only 4-5 inches fell.. did I mention it is still snowing?
I personally am sick of winter... I want to hear birds and smell spring!
Here are some of our favorite pictures from yesterday, I will try to get out and take some more today. I will try to keep our winter set updated on flickr.

If you want spring, you should come a visit April and I over here in Berkeley. The hi today is around 55, and mostly sunny. Normally, it rains like a monsoon, but the past week or so has felt like a warm spring.
Note: The nice weather comes at a price. Notably, the exorbitant high cost of living.
Good to see some activity on JFroMey.com and some news from Jenelle. Winter in the Upper Midwest looks like fun if you don't have to go anywhere and you've got a sled and a hill and are about 9 years old. How cool would that be?
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